The Flower Moon ~ For Alison Linyard

Created by Orla 4 months ago

You passed away peacefully
Under the Flower Full Moon
(may I remember your fullness)
And I think of this exact time
3 years ago
When it pleased me so
To stay in your new house
Next to your old home
A refuge of light and love
For a special weekend
Of ceremony and celebration

We walked together
Along the paths by the fruit trees
And you told me about the history
Of the place, the lay of the land
You were kind and warm
As we marvelled at the blossom
And flowers in the earth

On the morning of ceremony
You stood at the door to
Wish me well
You looked deeply into my eyes
Yours moistened with tears
And with admiration
Recognised how far I had come
From the violence of my birthplace
Onto this path of peace
You were my wise elder sister
Had seen and done many things
Experienced many hardships
This meant so much to me

It wasn’t always easy
Navigating this boat together
But you were a steady presence
Keeping us grounded in the Way of things, always smiling

Now as the house martins
Criss-cross my view
I look beyond the houses
To the hills and the sky
And I see how this grief
Could be a gift
And invitation to slow down
And speak the language of
The soul – silence
To connect with the arms
Of Mother Nature
And be in unseen realms
Where you are resting with
Ancestors and celestial bodies
Someone once told me
That this practice is all about
Letting go and so
Each time we touch death,
Winter, dark, quiet, stillness
We can remember to
Let go into our vital continuation
Let go of the limitations
Of this human realm
And open to the possibility
Of everlasting hope
And so I don’t say goodbye
For I know that you are still here
In every living thing
And we can still walk together
Talk together,
Under the Flower Moon
Orla Beaton

