Mindful walks

Created by Pegs 4 months ago

i first met Alison through the poppy seed sangha i think. I was drawn to her gentle presence and calm. When i wanted to deepen my own mindfulness practice i asked if she would be my mentor. She was too humble to accept but instead suggested we support each other. In the end we enjoyed several mindful walks, she helped me decide to do an MSc in mindfulness which i will complete this year in her memory. 

Alison also kindly let me stay in her and Chris’s lovely annex when i needed a child free space for my study weekends. Just another example of her generosity of spirit.

our paths also crossed at work, as we both championed the cause of growing Good Conversations in Fife. 

In our conversations Alison always bore her illness with a quiet kind of pragmatism, tackling each step of its progression with an acceptance i find amazing. I send huge love to Chris. And am deeply grateful to have known and been connected with Alison even for a seemingly short time. 
